Thursday, January 17, 2013

Game on Sister!

Yesterday our dad passed away after little more than two years of struggling with Amylodosis and the follow-on diseases that he got.

Today I'm saying Game on Sister!

Since I am in Gothenburg and not at home I don't have access to my gym and the exercise bikes they have there, what I do have access to is this (don't ask me what century it's from!);

I planted it in front of the TV so I could watch an action movie while biking, not that bad! The bikes at my gym also have TVs in front of them, I just can't choose what's shown on there.

I didn't get that much biking done, as the laundry room was booked for 11am, and I am staying at mum's a bit longer than expected so I had to make a trip down there to clean some things, if you know what I mean. I did make a soft start with 12k biked;
I know that my sister have been on the bike, however since she hasn't made any update this means that I am in the lead! Hahahehehoho!

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