Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A small change!

The blog has moved from Blogspot to WordPress, basically because WordPress is a better platform. Other than that, there are no major changes!
Please be a bit patient with us over the next few days when two sisters need to agree on theme, color etc!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Should have done this a week ago but...

...something got in the way.

And though still in some weird state of chock and grief. I'm not good at loosing someone so close to me, one way of dealing with it is training, body and mind. The mind got its work out because for some strange reason I suddenly couldn't upload the picture proof of my biking.
I'm fortunate enough to have  a small gym in the basement, where a simple but good enough exercise bike lives. Just look at the cutie. And I've managed two training sessions!! And there will be more where that came from...

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Game on Sister!

Yesterday our dad passed away after little more than two years of struggling with Amylodosis and the follow-on diseases that he got.

Today I'm saying Game on Sister!

Since I am in Gothenburg and not at home I don't have access to my gym and the exercise bikes they have there, what I do have access to is this (don't ask me what century it's from!);

I planted it in front of the TV so I could watch an action movie while biking, not that bad! The bikes at my gym also have TVs in front of them, I just can't choose what's shown on there.

I didn't get that much biking done, as the laundry room was booked for 11am, and I am staying at mum's a bit longer than expected so I had to make a trip down there to clean some things, if you know what I mean. I did make a soft start with 12k biked;
I know that my sister have been on the bike, however since she hasn't made any update this means that I am in the lead! Hahahehehoho!

Friday, January 11, 2013

No excuses

Since the time from thought to action in my normal life usually is about two months, I've really tried to shorten that span when it comes to this blog. But somehow I never seem to have enough time for the things I plan to do. Including winning over my sister in these challenges or donating the money (I just now remembered, have to do something about that)

At the moment our dad has one of his more sick periods so the time that could be spent on an exercise-bike is actually spent visiting him, which at least I feel is a good excuse. And I really need good excuses.

Or not.

Put i promise I will get on that bike this weekend. I will, in spite of the fact that i have class on Saturday, we need to clean out all the Christmas stuff, mother in law comes to visit, and youngest daughter turns two on Sunday. No excuses this time, none at all. I will Bike and win this challenge!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's time for another challenge!

It's 2013, a new year and the perfect time to start fresh, something these two sisters need after completely failing the last challenge. We both still live in Scandinavia, it is still winter in Scandinavia and thus a new outdoor challenge would be a big fail. So lets go inside!

I have a gym membership that has been poorly used over the past few months, and I happen to know that my sister has easy access to a gym as well!

Endomondo doesn't work when sitting still on an excercise bike, however the same bike do have displays that shows how far one has biked - and that can be immortalized with a simple picture!

Dear sister, here is the very basic challenge,

Who can bike the most kilometers in the month of January, starting today!