Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I am not competative!

Maybe a little bit, maybe! Since I'm working from home today I had the opportunity to take a little longer lunch break, this break was then used for a bike tour. Usually the biking is to take me from one point to another, if a longer one I will listen to the radio, if a short one I don't listen to anything really. For a lunch break ride I have a documentary from the Swedish state radio channel P3 as company, today I learned more about the Columbine shooting. It does put your life into perspective and thankful that you never been around crazy kids like that!

Catching up?

Thank you for donations and handicap!
Wohoo, seems like I might still have a chance in this. Especially since yesterday the Swedish autumn showed itself from it's best side, with blue skies, sun and no wind. So I managed to get up on the bike and bike to work. I have about 4 km to work which takes about15-20 minutes (depending on how awake I am).

There is a tiny difference between the cities where sister dearest and I live. Hers is flat, there is no hills in sight unless their man-made. Mine his, what should i call it, built on hills. This means that biking here is up and down and you and up all sweaty, flushed  and tired, while she can just tramp along and look as good as ever. Just so you now the conditions for this challenge.

Om my way home yesterday I took a detour to town (had some shopping to do) and for that you have to cross a bridge, where you almost always think that the wind will blow you of. I do think, however, that I live in one of the most beautiful cities on earth (and I have visited quite a few). And if you and your bike get tired biking, you can always take a free-ride with the boat across the river.

Just a regular Tuesday

I was a bit lazy with the biking yesterday taking the short routes to work, and I even forgot to start Endomondo for the last bit home from the station. Logging on to Endomondo this morning I can see that I'm in trouble and need to step up my act, since my sister of course choose the day she received 10 extra kilometers to bike another 10 - she is almost even with me now!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

10k for my sister as promised

My sister wanted a handicap due to her stressful life as a working mother, and I agreed with a condition; when we reached €100 I would give her 10k. Well today due to an amazing person we hit €100 and then some and true to my word I have added 10k to my sister.

I'm still way ahead of her though!

Monday, October 29, 2012

A brr Monday

It is getting colder here in the Nordic countries, and today was also very windy. Due to some technical issues with my phone this morning, I missed out on measuring the first part of my biking, the issue was then solved during the train ride to Copenhagen. Sister dearest is in trouble, she doesn't have that many days left to catch up as we are now almost half way through the challenge and I am way ahead...

Sunday, October 28, 2012

She is baaaaaack :)

After a week of illness and then a visit from the very sister I competing against, I finally got around to get back in to the saddle. The weather today was absolutely fantastic, a bit cold but still. Me and my friend took our bikes down to the seaside for a coffee and then the tad bit longer route home.

I mean, I really need those kilometers since it might happen that we do receive another €30 for the collection and then I owe my sister 10k handicap. Don't forget that you always can see the current status of our little challenge here!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

It is fall afterall

You might have noticed that it has been a bit quiet around here. There is a very natural explanation for that, fall germs. After I so kindly gave my sisters 10 kilometers for free when we reached €100 in the collection, I of course became sick. I managed to drag myself to work Monday and Tuesday, with a minimum amount of biking and no thought to actually measure it.

I am trying to cure myself at the moment, there is soup, honey water and loads of sleep and doing nothing on the couch. Boring as it can be, nothing to do though then get better and back at it. Hopefully I feel better this weekend in combination with a sun peaking out and then I show you how it's done!


Monday, October 22, 2012

I'm not completly evil!

In need of a handicap

Since my lovely sister is of to a flying start in our challenge I realise that I have a problem. Last week it was the rain that kept my from biking , I finally ignored it on Friday and managed to put 7 km in the competition. This week started with sick kids, and a husband away on a business trip (his first one ever, typically). So no leaving home,  no trip to work, no biking. Gah! I don't have enough time. I need a clone or 36 hour days, Anyone have a solution? I was thinking maybe a handicap. Since my sister is free to spend her time as almost she like and I need to take care of, feed, clean up after and cuddle with kids, I must be in a position to ask for a handicap of about 10 km or so? No?

Here is the biking from Friday anyway.

And YEY!! We got donations, keep'em coming folks!!!

It has been done!

Today we have all been signed up for Tjejvättern, the 100 kilometer long recreational bike race that we are training for, and when I say all - I mean all. You see it's not only my sister and I that are doing it, there are also our mother, our aunt, one friend of each of them and one of my friends, so all in all there will be seven of us on the day.

I will dig out some of the pictures from this years race so that all of you can see how nice it was, and maybe you want to join as well.

There is no turning back now!

Better later than never

This Friday I went straight from work to the train station in order to catch a train to Hamburg where I spent the weekend. Thus no update on the biking from Friday and no biking at all this weekend, however here is proof of Friday Biking.

I also do not feel that worried about missing out on biking the past weekend, competing against yourself is a bit can see exactly how far ahead I am here.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Another post from Carolina - why do I think I am winning?

Is it only me that are getting bored with these one-sided updates on biking k's of the day? For you that know my sister, you are more than welcome to start harassing her on how behind she is (see me being 20k ahead here), for the ones that don't know my sister, the comment field below is good enough!

Today saw me pick up my bike at the trainstation in Copenhagen, thus plenty of k's added to the pretty graph. That is not saying that the logistical problems from Tuesday was solved, however the agressions of being stuck on a train for what feels like an eternity are easily dealt with when there are idiots driving cars around.

Whoop, whoop

I am quite excited right now, we have (finally) received the first donation, €60! (PayPal fees not included), awesome! I will now start up the list of donors on this blog.

FYI, I have never been accused for being a patient person, and one week was a long wait for me. Now I hope that we will see some more :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Working from home - not good for biking statistics

However, it doesn't really matter because my sister have plenty of excuses for not getting on that bike on hers, looks like it will be an easy win for me :) Good thing I had one small errand to run today, gave me an excuse to bring out the bike.

Soon though I might start blaming the lack of donations on her lack of dedication, if you want to save her from that - press Donate now ;)


The total standing in our little challenge can be found here. Have a great Wednesday evening all!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The day with less biking done

Due to some logistical issues this morning, I wasn't able to pick up my bike where I parked it last night, at the Central Station in Copenhagen thus the large part of my biking wasn't possible. Lucky me that my sister still haven't even started biking yet!

We have been published!

Apparently there is a "The Amyloidosis Weekly" out there on the big wide web, and this very blog is being featured on it this week.

Gah! - Rain

Challenge started Monday - rain started Monday.
As I woke up Monday morning thinking about putting on my rain-gear and bike to work, I took one look at the clock and one at my crazy ladies (kids) who are at their most uncooperative state at 7 am, and realized that if I would like to be at work (hopefully dry-ish) on time, there would be no biking done. So i cheated and drove the CAR. This morning same thing, adding I was so tired that it didn't even cross my mind to try the bike.
Fortunately friends of ours gave me a challenge in exchange for donations, to bike to their house and perhaps back, which is about 15 km one way. Now I just have to find a day, where I can fit that in in the busy schedule of a family-mom-working-person.
I WILL WIN THIS - somehow...

Monday 15th of October - Biking in the rain

The things one do for charity, this morning the rain was pouring down and I still found myself biking the longer route to the train, just to ensure that I beat my sister and show the people of this blog how serious we really are about raising money for our cause.

When I got into the office I checked Endomondo and couldn't see that my dear sister had biked to work today, I also didn't get any response to my cheeky comment on Facebook (for you who don't understand Swedish it says "No biking this morning dear sister?", so I will just assume that I am way ahead right now!

Since I also managed some more biking in the evening, I'm feeling good about the competition this far.

I'm also an excel nerd so you can find a graph of how the competition is going under the Biking Challenge I tab in the menu.

I think it's time for you people to make a choice - Team Carolina or Team Cecilia. Make a donation of choice (preferable small so you have money left over for the next time it's time to choose) on who you think will win this competition

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Just to show that I am serious as well

After seeing my sisters post on Friday I realized that I might be in a little bit of trouble, you see I really want to win and even if my work is further away from my home than my sisters, she has longer biking possibilities.

I bike from my home to the Malmö Central station, which takes about 3 minutes, then after 45 minutes on the train I bike again from the station to work, which takes another 5 minutes, that's 8 minutes of biking compared to her 17 minutes...hmmm!

So I have used that thing between my ears and figured out that in the mornings, rhater than biking to the closest station, I will bike to the next one this take me a little bit longer. Once on the Danish side I will utalize the Copenhagen Central station rahter than the one closest to work, that's around 15 minutes of biking; thus I should be even on the back-and-forth to work biking at least.

Then of course I have the advantage of no children to be taken care of in the afternoon/evening so I should be able to take adavantage of this time in order to get way ahead of her. I'm going to win, I know it...anyone dare betting against me?